A powerful Mindset ‘hack’ that leads to easier weight loss!

Watch the video first and then read the post below to fully grasp this and get the key to why this is so powerful plus 2 ways you can put this into action so it makes a difference like it did for Anne (not her real name – the video will tell you why)

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The point here is: this inner view or representation is both a reflection of how she sees it and a big part of what keeps her in this illusion that those sorts of foods are attractive and healthy foods aren’t. Understand that these internal pictures cue your nervous system how to feel about something. And of course the fact that anne has such a minimal view around healthy food is (unrealistic) but also means that there are little to no healthy options for her. This proved to be the case, with a little further investigation.

Your views set up internal filters that lead you to see and count some things and to not see or count others. If all you see is basic salad and vegetables and these pictures appear drab, dull and un-attractive. Then it will set up an inner battle to eat these foods and your whole system will rebel against it when you try to.

But these pictures don’t represent the truth – it’s simply your current view.  Go find a friend or a colleague who eats healthy and ask them what they see and you’ll find they have an array of healthy foods and food options and choices full of live vibrant colours and seductive mixes and recipes. To add to that – the tastes you may have become accustomed to with processed foods are largely artificial and also toxic to the body.

Now even just by Anne becoming conscious of this picture, she could see intellectually how limiting it was. In fact, she even felt it was a little embarrassing and simply by exposing it, a change was set in motion. This was particularly so, as I also pointed out that this picture is a big part of what’s preventing her from achieving her goals. It then only took a bit of targeted questioning to help Anne realize that she did like some more healthy foods and so we set about reversing the pictures along with the seductive qualities, and cementing in place a new inner view of healthy foods that she could genuinely buy into and that also tied into her vision of a healthier life and how she wanted to look and feel.

Behind the scenes

This is the sort of stuff that is working behind the scenes and it’s either helping you or hindering you. You might have guessed that it is futile struggling to eat healthier when these factors aren’t on you’re side. This is simply because you feel it – it sets up an inner struggle which is self-sabotaging rather than self-sustaining. You need to align your views, so they set up a downstream feel. Without the struggle, you’ll even be able to enjoy the journey – how would that be? The ease as opposed to the struggle is also a big part of why you will succeed this time.


2 things you can do to begin these key shifts today.


Do a little research and find out exactly what some of your favourite unhealthy foods are doing to your body. Not just in terms of fat and or weight gain but also internally to your organs and the likes. Then change your internal picture of these foods to fit what you now know.  I’ve found it comes easier when you back it up with supporting facts and understanding plus a knowing that this change is reall going to be for the better.


Expand and vamp up your view of healthy foods in your own way. Change your internal picture so it will lead you in the direction of improved health, weight loss and a better quality of life. To support this get online and do a google search or get some books from the library that illustrate the many and varied options for healthy meal options – or if that’s too big, simply focus on lunches, snacks or even deserts. Open your mind to what you’ve previously been closed to and re-set your internal view of healthy food accordingly – create a magnificent, colourful and vibrant collage of healthy options in abundance and carry it within – you’ll be amazed at the difference. And … you’ll realize it’s largely an inside job (mindset thing)

The key to it all

In effect you will then have reduced your attraction to the foods that are not so good for you and increased your attraction to the foods that are.  This happens at the level of what you hold in mind – what you associate, which is immensely influential.  Here is another massive clue to your success ” When you genuinely prefer the healthy options” weight loss will become immeasurably easier for you –  think about that …

and then leave a comment – go on i dare you.


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