Monthly Archives: August 2014

“The SECRETS you must know to free yourself from weight loss frustration”…

As far as you truly losing weight goes – there is a progression of secrets, shifts and principals that you must know in order to go from still struggling to finally free….

I’m assuming you would rather be getting more results for less effort as opposed to what you are currently doing which is likely to be the opposite.  I.e. you have been putting in a seemingly massive ongoing effort for very little return, for very little real (and lasting) results – am I right?

There are reasons this occurs for so many people and the secrets I’m going to share with you – starting today with this video are what you have been missing.  Once you understand these and the distinctions that set you up to succeed rather than fight yourself you will then be able to get that very power that has been working against you – to work for you.

So enjoy these videos, watch them with what I’ve said above in mind – these are the gems that have come out of fifteen plus years of coaching and refinning – looking for solutions for those that are struggling despite the abundance of info, programmes and supports out there…

These ‘secrets’ and the changes that will occur for you because of them are what’s been missing …..

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When it comes to losing weight; “is there anyone out there feeling stuck?”

It’s this that lead to me becoming so passionate about helping people shift in this area of weight loss, because I think many people are needlessly stuck and struggling.  Let me invite you to look at this notion of being stuck a bit differently too.  Being seemingly stuck (for example, “nothing seems to work, I can’t seem to make any real progress”, or “I always find myself back where I started or worse”) – is really the result of using ineffective strategies to try and change behaviour.

One of the general areas you are likely going wrong is trying to change behaviour without changing the programmes that run the behaviour.

Here’s another way to think about your so called  “stuckness”……

If you look at your results and you let that then determine how you think and believe about it, then you are stuck.  Because it’s a self-perpetuating cycle isn’t it?

So, if you believe it’s hard to lose weight for example (and you are likely to harbour that belief because you have tried and it hasn’t seemingly worked yet), then really through that belief (and the perceiving and thinking that come with that belief) you are inadvertently setting your whole system up to prove that to be true on a daily basis.

belief in action resized

So, as the picture above illustrates, you will tend to “see through those eyes” you will be unconsciously filtering information and essentially be alerted to all the things that let you know that it is indeed hard to lose weight.