Monthly Archives: October 2014

The only real path to easier and faster weight loss while being able to eat what you want – with a twist

You want to lose weight without the hassle…you’d like it to be easy or at least not a struggle and ideally happen as quickly as possible too right?… whilst still being able to eat the things you want as well too – wouldn’t that be the ultimate scenario?

If you want all that, I’m saying you can have it – with a slight twist, but you will have to read this article and then the free report I’ve created for you to get there.

I’m going to be transparent here in letting you know up front that I wanted to use this post to just share what the real value and purpose is within this report because it seems you may be mistaking it for just another motivation thing and you probably don’t want motivation as such –

you really just want to lose weight…..

So I felt the need to tell you how this report will help you lose weight and why it’s so important that you check it out.

What this report is really about is working smart, it’s about putting in a little investment of time up front to set yourself up for success right so that the rest of the journey – everything you need to do to get to your weight loss goal from that point on will be infinitely easier?

We are talking about taking out the struggle, the resistance and the multitude of ways that you are probably working against yourself without even knowing it.

The tittle of the report is ‘3 steps to guaranteed mega-motivation for breakthrough diet and weight loss results’ but this report completely transcends it’s tittle because it’s not just about motivation – it’s really about getting your mind on-side and what’s really crucial for you to know is that ..NOTHING HAPPENS UNTIL THIS HAPPENS!

Nothing happens until this happens!I called it motivation because that’s what most people relate to and think is the problem but it’s really just a symptom.  If you are struggling to lose weight via the usual approaches your problems aren’t likely to be about motivation but more-so; having mixed messages and not being lined up to what you want.

If you aren’t getting into action or don’t feel “motivated’ to do so, or maybe you can’t stick with your diet or exercise programme (stay “motivated’’) there are likely to be a myriad of underlying reasons or causes that are actually the source of these symptoms i.e. your seeming lack of motivation.

‘Mixed messages’ is actually a far more accurate way to sum up these underlying issues that lead to people wanting to lose weight or improve their health but not taking or sustaining the required actions to achieve their goals.  (More about the mixed messaged in another post – it really relates to having contrary messages and inner conflicts that cancel your best efforts out so effectively you are working against yourself, your mind is off-side)

Working against yourself is like this...

No matter what your personal challenges with regards to losing the weight you want to and keeping it off are, to negate, resolve or over-ride them you must start by getting your mind on-side.  Whether it be self-sabotage, Emotional eating or binging, making bad food choices, not getting to the gym today or the fact that you always put the weight back on again, or even a lack of self-worth or confidence, whatever it is we must start with what’s in this report. 

It’s the first thing that happens in any coaching session to one degree or another depending on the targeted outcome – there is no point proceeding unless you have your mind on-side.

It’s at the heart of all action, change, achievement, progress and any human accomplishment.

You’ll see, if you have been following my other videos and articles, that most of them link naturally back to this factor.  (in actual fact I could tie them all to this one thing however I don’t want to seem like I’m over-doing it with regards to the free report which is part of the reason I wanted to write this post)

It all comes back to whats  in the report

Your ability to change your mind, to let go of old worn out conditioning, habits and negative          thinking or emotional attachments and grab new more resourceful ones requires big leverage for      change.  To move away from what’s familiar and what you’ve gotten used to requires massive      leverage or what you might call motivation/inspiration – amplified.   When you take that to the    next level and add another few key ingredients (the elements that are usually missing) to the mix    then you’ve got your mind on-side for the changes you want – it’s now going to be working  with you instead of against you.  It’s like the ultimate readiness for change and new action –  all systems go!  It’ll be like you’ve been driving with the handbrake on all this time and you  suddenly take it off – that’s how you are actually going to get there quicker and so much easier.

A powerful Mindset ‘hack’ that leads to easier weight loss!

Watch the video first and then read the post below to fully grasp this and get the key to why this is so powerful plus 2 ways you can put this into action so it makes a difference like it did for Anne (not her real name – the video will tell you why)

[svpVideo v=1]

The point here is: this inner view or representation is both a reflection of how she sees it and a big part of what keeps her in this illusion that those sorts of foods are attractive and healthy foods aren’t. Understand that these internal pictures cue your nervous system how to feel about something. And of course the fact that anne has such a minimal view around healthy food is (unrealistic) but also means that there are little to no healthy options for her. This proved to be the case, with a little further investigation.

Your views set up internal filters that lead you to see and count some things and to not see or count others. If all you see is basic salad and vegetables and these pictures appear drab, dull and un-attractive. Then it will set up an inner battle to eat these foods and your whole system will rebel against it when you try to.