What’s the real reason you haven’t lost weight and kept it off? – let’s cut to the chase!


The source of your frustration and seeming inability to lose weight and keep it off is what I call;


It’s the reason you struggle, it’s the reason you take two steps forward and one back or worse.

It’s the reason nothing you seem to try makes any significant difference

It’s the reason being at your ideal weight and maintaining that without it being an ongoing battle seems like an unreachable goal. 

In this post I’m going to illustrate to you what I mean using a simple process I use in my coaching sessions.  There are many ways that we can reveal the fat in your head but let’s cut to chase and do it in a way that highlights the real problem.  If you pay attention and really get the magnitude of what I’m about to share with you it will change the course of your life from this point forward.  This is the first critical milestone in what I call ‘the weight frustration to freedom solution’

Until you see this and acknowledge it – you are destined to repeat the same frustrating cycles over and over and over and over no matter what diet or weight loss program you try.

(Maybe you have already proven this to yourself)

I’m going to show this to you in such a way that you can actually go away and do it yourself and get a clear picture of what is standing in your way  and what needs to change.

O.k. let’s say you are my client and you’ve come to me to help you lose weight, after the introductions I am first going to ask you what you want?  What are you here to achieve, what would be the ideal outcome for having worked with me etc – we’ll essentially paint a picture of the ideal end result for you.  Now I could embellish on this factor alone as it in itself is also crucial and is one part that most people fail to do or do inefectively.  But for today’s point and post just imagine that we have done that and it’s up on my white board – on one side we have defined exactly what you want and we have bought it to life so you can see, feel and hear it.    At this point you’d be pretty excited right? 

Then we could say o.k.; so here you are now and up there is where you want to be – acknowledging and feeling that there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be is useful as well.

Now here comes the interesting part…..the next thing I’m going to do is to start asking you a series of strategic questions that begin to bring out, you guessed it, the fat in your head.

There are many techniques and questions you can use because you can relate them to weight loss, to dieting or healthy eating, to exercise, to the planning and organization involved and the big one – TO YOU.  But we are going to use just one main question and it’s clever because it instantly reveals what you associate to losing weight and this is all important because it’s your associations that really dictate your behavior.

The question is; when you think about losing weight – what comes to mind?  So to really do this you need to obviously contemplate losing weight, and then you need to tune in and listen carefully – some things will pop straight to mind others will be more subtle whispers, feelings, thoughts or images. 

The above is what we will use for today however I’ll share a quick couple of other tips so you can get a sense of the scope of TFIYH (the fat in your head)

So here is another question you can ask; “what do I think and believe about losing weight?”

Here is another gem of a way to do this;  Assess your current results and work backwards from that.  Basically if you aren’t doing it then you don’t really believe it – meaning you can look at your current results and that will tell you what you really believe and associate to losing weight. Just ask yourself: “if this is where I’m currently at – then what must I really think and believe”?

Ok, here are a couple more; notice what comes after the ‘buts’ i.e. I really want to lose weight but! This will highlight your excuses or all the ways that you excuse yourself from doing what needs to be done.  Excuses are another form of fat in your head.  Another way to reveal similar blocks is to ask – so why haven’t you done it already? What’s stopping you? Provoke yourself a little and see what comes out lol

On that note; you can also notice what you are sensitive to with regards to losing weight – analysing what pushes your buttons will indicate inner conflicts and that is the very stuff preventing you from moving forward. Mixed messages and being in two minds or torn in two different directions just renders you paralyzed.

Alright – so if you only used the first question I guarantee if you get into it you will easily fill a whole page.  I’ve done this with many individuals and in seminars or with groups and here are the sorts of things that arise – just from the question; now think about losing weight – and what comes to mind?


It’s hard work, Boring, a sense of failure, sacrifice, not being able to have what I want, deprivation, dieting, All the times that it hasn’t worked, it works for others but not me, having to discipline my every move, counting calories, feeling not good enough, it takes a long time, I always put it back on again anyway – what’s the point, disbelief that I can do it, can’t stick at it, Constant mind chatter, it’s not fair, exercise – being red faced at the gym, feeling inferior and embarrassed, embarrassed for my kids and so on….

These are the sorts of things that come out – now granted I have focused mainly on the negative but inevitably if someone isn’t at the weight they want to be and is struggling to lose weight – their snapshot is Always 90% negative and that is no coincidence. In fact that is my whole point.

Now there are ways to take things to a deeper level too, when we start to explore self-image – like for most people when they think about losing weight they actually have an image of themselves as overweight pop to mind, and that has a reverse effect that literally reinforces the idea that they are overweight – if they have also failed many times that feeling comes with the image too.  What about your self-esteem?  i.e. are you worth it?  Do you deserve this?  Do you feel confident, resourceful and inspired to take action when you think about losing weight?   What words would follow “I am” with regards to you and weight loss – do you beat yourself up and run yourself down? If so what do you call yourself and in what sort of tone and voice do you use?   These factors are very high up the scale of mind-set impact, they literally govern the way you feel and act;  Are you getting the magnitude of this yet, are you sensing what you are up against and we are only scratching the surface still. 

So we do this sort of exploration and then I write all that comes out (i.e. the fat in your head) on another whiteboard beside what you just told me earlier that you want.

What you want vs your snapshot

And then i get you to look at both and take it all in and see what you notice and then I say…

So do you think this way of thinking is going to get you to your goal?  What becomes immediately apparent is that these two things (the whiteboards) are going in opposite directions.  It then becomes blatantly clear that there is no way you can ever lose weight with that mindset, and that in fact; it’s your mindset that is preventing you from getting there.  And viola you become acutely aware of the direct link between your current mind-set and your results.  With that you simultaneously recognize what must change (and also that you may have been focusing in the wrong areas up until now) 

So the moral of the story is this;

Firstly; this is the stuff that won’t let you move forward, that cancels out your best intentions, that undermines your genuine efforts.  The crux of the message being that with all of these mixed and contrary messages operating beneath the surface – you are working against yourself my friend!  That’s what the fight and ongoing struggle is made of.  Imagine that all of this time you have been driving with the handbrake on….. 

However now that you know, what will happen is it will be not just like taking the handbrake off but putting your foot on the accelerator at the same time because when you know how to change this stuff you will get the very power that has been working against you to now work for you.

In very simple terms we will change what you associate to losing weight

And you may be thinking OMG do I need to change all of this?  Where the bleep do I start – and the answer is no you don’t have to change it all, you just need to know where to go however this is definitely not an overnight shift.   But the good news is I’ve done the hard work for you, I’ve coached over 1000 people using this system and out of that I’ve developed the ‘weight loss frustration to freedom solution’  if you resonated with what I have shared here then you are going to love the rest and I’m going to reveal the other pieces of the puzzle in a free 4 part video series coming up very soon – if you are interested here is the link to go and register your interest….


Hey by the way – I also use the snapshot as one of the main new measures for weight loss success because the scales will only indicate how well you ate that day or week –  they tell you nothing about real or lasting change.  If your snapshot changes you will never have to struggle with your weight again!   See you at the training

Oh did I mention you will also get a free digital copy of the ‘get the fat out of your head’ book within the free training series so what have you got to lose,

Click on the link below and i’ll see you there;

>>Yes i want access to this life changing video training series!<<






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