Monthly Archives: July 2014

How to make sure your diet or eating plan works for you.

What is the true test of whether your eating plan or exercise programme will work for you? It’s how you feel when you think about it. Does it feel like a help, a support, something that you want to do and that is inspiring and pulls you towards it when you bring it to mind? Or does it feel like a drag, a hassle, something you have to do that is more like a bore and a chore.

Dieting made easier

Dieting made easier

It’s not an exercise programme or even a diet that’s the problem its how you think and feel about it that makes the difference. If it’s all good then that’s great; if not you have 2 choices; you can either adjust your plan or programme so it takes on a different appeal or you can adjust/refresh your attitude, the way you hold it in mind and how you think about it. (more on that shortly)  Actually there is a third choice too – you can do a bit of both.

Either way the key is to, design programmes, rituals and organizational supports that make it easier to make the choices you want, and that feel good so that you willingly do it again tomorrow. What can you do to move from a feeling of having to, to wanting to?

This is really the secret and notice it’s in your perception of it.

5 reasons you haven’t been able to lose weight (and keep it off)

 If you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off here are 5 reasons why.….

One:  You don’t know why you can’t/aren’t losing weight: despite your good intentions. 

Having tried many different diets, plans and programs. (You continue to put in a lot of effort for very little return and you don’t have a solution – YET!)

Two:  You can’t get yourself motivated and into action to actually do what’s required;  Even though you know you should and have the very best of intentions

Three: You can’t stick to a diet/plan or programme:  well enough or long enough to get any significant results

Four:  You don’t know what to do after your diet/program:  So you end up putting weight back on.

Five:  You don’t know how to get yourself to the point that you can have the results you want without it being a major ongoing effort: which leads you back to number one doesn’t it

What am i missing here?

What am i missing here?

(Where do you fit on the above ‘frustration continuum’?  Leave a comment – out of the five things above what is your main stumbling block?)

  Now keep in mind that pretty much anything you are experiencing as to why you’re not losing  weight will either directly or indirectly fall into one of these categories – which is why they  are  also bench marks and milestones – meaning; you solve these issues and by implication you  cover off the keys to successfully losing weight and keeping it off.    

  Where do you fall down? – Got cravings, do you emotionally eat? Well that falls under the 3rd   milestone of not being able to follow an eating plan, programme or diet right? Whether you  self-sabotage, procrastinate, yo yo diet or just find it hard to make the right food choices we must address that all in order to get you through the milestones right?