When it comes to weight loss, you must first go there in mind – to go there in body…..

7 big reasons YOU MUST imagine yourself in the body you want…


1.  Your body needs a reference for where to go

Image and feel are more the language of the body than words – so you can write your goal down and that will have a minimal effect unless you’ve written it in such a way that the words lead you into your ideal body as an imagined and felt experience.  Athletes and performers communicate, Direct and instruct their body on what to do via image and feel – they imagine themselves doing it.  They
know that if the mind can’t see it – then the body can’t do it.  So too with weight loss – how are you telling your body where to go?  In my work with clients we often find that other than a wishy washy intellectual idea of losing weight or maybe a target weight; they have no clear direction for what they want to create and how it will look and feel.  Your mind-body system has no real understandable or usable reference for where you want it to go.  If that is the case how do you expect to get there?

2.  It’s the only way to escape the limitations of your current thinking

A big part of what is holding you back and preventing you from getting the changes you want is your current thinking and conditioning.  Your current results or lack of will be an exact reflection of what you think and believe about you and losing weight.  (If you don’t believe me – monitor your self-talk in the context of losing weight for a few days) What you’ll find is that your experience of losing weight and your results match your consistent self-talk and thoughts.   Imagination gets you out of that box, empowers you to tap into more of your latent potential that is currently being stifled and enables you to go beyond the limitations of the past.  Invariably with coaching there is a need to have clients set their new direction, goals and behaviour from this imagined view because otherwise you just bump into the same stuff that’s prevented you from getting the changes you want so far.  You can’t solve a problem by coming from the same thinking that created it!

 3.  It’s the only way to get belief, confidence and expectancy in advance

Belief and a positive expectancy about a future result are a crucial ingredient in any accomplishment.  The only things we truly believe are the things we have already done.  When you see and sense yourself in your ideal body clearly in your mind, it becomes as if you have already done it.  The brain-body doesn’t know the difference between something that is real and something that is vividly imagined – it runs the same circuitry.  This is why athletes are very big on mental rehearsal because they know that they must have these essential ingredients (confidence, belief and positive expectancy) as part of their mind-set if they are to achieve there outcome – and better still, they want this before they go out there and do it.   This belief and expectancy is a big part of what sustains them through the ups and downs in pursuit of their goals and they keep their vision and belief alive through seeing the end result in their mind’s eye regardless of what occurs.

 4.  You are creating ‘new-roads’ to what you want

When you imagine yourself in your ideal body and experiencing life from there you are creating new pathways in your brain that will ultimately lead to that very result that you imagined.  “Brain cells that fire together wire together” meaning …the more you imagine that, the more you are literally creating new linked chains of brain cells so there is a physical counterpart to your imagined experience being formed and reinforced that plays a role in this result becoming your reality. The more you reinforce it the easier it is to go down that pathway and the less resistance there is.

 "See yourself as you want to be"

“See yourself as you want to be”

 5.  Your self-image is a self-fulfilling prophesy

Your self-image (in other words how you see yourself) is at both the cause and effect level of your weight loss challenges.  It’s both the product of your experience with losing weight but it also influences and governs how you act.  If you see yourself as overweight and as the sort of person that puts on weight easily then not only will you interpret things through those eyes and behave that way – your body will also mould itself to fit that image no matter what you do.   Your self-image is one of the key areas you must go to work on in order to get the changes you want and truly be free from the pull to revert back you your old ways.  Hey if you don’t think it’s there and having an effect on you then answer this question: when you wake up in the morning – how do you know to be you?   The 2 most powerful words in the universe are “I am” anything that comes after those two words is likely to be or become true for you. (That doesn’t make it the truth though – does it?)

6.  What you think about does come about (This is for the more spiritually minded)

The idea of imagining yourself as you want to be transcends effective psychology too…

Advances in neuro science and new findings from the world of quantum physics are now bringing science and spirituality together.  It has long been said by Gurus of all walks that what you think about comes about – now there is sound scientific backing for how and why this occurs.  Everything is created twice ..first in the mind and then in the physical – all that you see around you was first an idea before it was created – SO YOU MUST GO THERE IN MIND TO GO THERE IN BODY.  It’s the natural creative and energetic process from the mental to the physical and from higher frequency to lower frequency.  Quantum physics tells us that we need to get in energetic resonance with our goal in order for it to manifest in our lives. By vividly imagining your goal as real you are getting in resonance with your ideal body thereby making it energetic law that you will soon experience that.  The law of attraction will then ensure that you attract everything you need to get there.

7.  It’s happening any way BUT…

Here is what is likely to be happening if you don’t take charge and direct your mind with your goal in mind.  The power of all of the above is working anyway but it is likely to be working against you.  Let me give you a couple of examples; what is your current self-image like, bring a picture of yourself to mind and what do you see?   Also, when you think about losing weight chances are you will likely picture yourself as overweight.  I’ve found that the more angst, frustration and previous “failure” attached to losing weight that the more negative the associated images are.  If your self-esteem is down then the picture you have of yourself will invariably be distorted on the negative side to match your view of yourself.  Ever use derogatory language about yourself like…I’m useless or you fat #*%&$……  What images do you think these sort of statements conjure up?  Images are there in the background and also fleeting through our minds as part of our thought processes – you can’t escape that.  Now you know the enormous power that they have you need to start putting this to work FOR YOU.

The key to you losing weight for real and in a way that is easy rather than hard, plus lasts without it being an ongoing effort IS TO GET THE SAME POWER THAT HAS BEEN WORKING AGAINST YOU TO NOW WORK FOR YOU.

The frustration to freedom solution teaches you how to do this – the fact that you must go there in mind to go there body is one gem in amongst a few so stick around and learn more.



Spending a few moments a day ideally after you wake up and before you go to sleep – imagining yourself having and being in the body you want – creating a crystal clear image of how you want to look and stepping into it.  It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow – just for those few minutes, in a play-full and fun manner, see things as you want them to be from inside the body you personally desire and GET FAMILIAR WTH IT – get comfortable there.  Trying it on in advance – tasting life from inside your future body (‘as if’ you already have it now) is one of, if not the most powerful things you can do to facilitate easy weight loss.

So are you using it?  If not, why not?  If you are putting in a massive on-going effort with trying to eat the right things and getting regular exercise yet neglecting to see yourself as you want to be and worse still you also have a self-image that is working against you – then you are unconsciously (unknowingly) undermining your own efforts in a big way.  On the other hand if you put this powerful factor into action you will accelerate, enhance and empower all that you are trying to do and achieve.   It will be like taking the foot off the brake and putting it on the weight loss accelerator at the same time.  I have really only scratched the surface here of the true potential and power that this has to help you; so get to it, what are you waiting for?

Leave a comment if you’d like more in how to effectively do this or ask any questions that you have related to this post and I’ll answer them for you.


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