Attention: How would you like to know how to get your mind on-side for easier, faster and lasting weight loss?

This book transcends its tittle and does just that, the wisdom and method within are the product of over 1000 intimate weight loss coaching sessions.

Lose Weight Without the Struggle

Some words from the author; Craig Elliot

You have probably already proven to yourself that even the best weight loss advice, programmes and diets don’t make a scrap of difference if you can’t get yourself to DO WHAT’S REQUIRED.

If this book and site attracted your attention then it’s also likely that you have experienced what I refer to as the ‘craziness’ of knowing what you should do, even wanting to do it but not making any changes, not getting into consistent action on the things that will actually make a difference in your results and your life.

If you are not getting into action and you don’t have access to what’s contained in this book then the experience of my many clients has demonstrated that you are destined for more of the same unnecessary frustration.

If you are done with putting in massive ongoing effort for very little, if any, real and lasting weight loss results then…

….this book is the perfect solution for you.

Over my years of coaching these were amongst the most common questions and challenges…..

Why don’t I get moving even though I know it’s important?

Why can’t I get myself motivated?

Why can’t I seem to STAY motivated or stay on track?

What will it take to get me into action before it’s too late?

Is there something wrong with me?

The truth is there are many people out there like you – having the best of intentions, knowing they have got to do it but not having a proven method that enables them to do something about it, until now!

It’s called The ULTIMATE motivation method because it offers so much more than what you know as motivation. You will actually learn how to get your mind on-side and how to shift a critical balance that is the one thing that has been standing in your way all this time.

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Motivating yourself is actually easy, when you know what to do …

How do you finally get yourself into willing action to do what’s required to lose weight even though you’ve struggled with this in the past?

Wouldn’t it be nice to finally do what you say you are going to do.. but not in a way that seems forced or feels like you are having to discipline your every move.

Would you like to discover how to break through procrastination, self-sabotage and the craziness of not getting into action to lose weight even though you want to?

Wouldn’t it be nice to willingly get into action and find yourself doing the things you previously weren’t or wouldn’t without the usual struggle meaning it will no longer feel like such an effort for you – won’t that be great?

What if as a consequence of these shifts you began to lose weight with greater ease, greater certainty and in a way that will last. (Even if you currently think you have no will-power or self-discipline)

Wouldn’t it be even better to have a proven method and guide to follow to get to this place –

If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, then check out my book:

The ultimate diet and weight loss motivation method

Learn how to get your mind on-side to lose weight easier, faster and in a way that will last.