How to make sure your diet or eating plan works for you.

What is the true test of whether your eating plan or exercise programme will work for you? It’s how you feel when you think about it. Does it feel like a help, a support, something that you want to do and that is inspiring and pulls you towards it when you bring it to mind? Or does it feel like a drag, a hassle, something you have to do that is more like a bore and a chore.

Dieting made easier

Dieting made easier

It’s not an exercise programme or even a diet that’s the problem its how you think and feel about it that makes the difference. If it’s all good then that’s great; if not you have 2 choices; you can either adjust your plan or programme so it takes on a different appeal or you can adjust/refresh your attitude, the way you hold it in mind and how you think about it. (more on that shortly)  Actually there is a third choice too – you can do a bit of both.

Either way the key is to, design programmes, rituals and organizational supports that make it easier to make the choices you want, and that feel good so that you willingly do it again tomorrow. What can you do to move from a feeling of having to, to wanting to?

This is really the secret and notice it’s in your perception of it.

Following are some suggestions of how to think about and relate to your eating plan or exercise programme so that it takes on a more appealing feel. 


Think of it this way; in any area that you function well in there are likely to be a few things present, such as organization, preparation and with that, a plan of some kind too.  A plan is required to efficiently get you from your current situation to your desired one, isn’t it?

Another key is to get tapped in, tuned in and turned on to what you really want. Then as you keep that in your sights you can view your plan as your friend. Because it’s a necessary organizational support that highlights the right choices for you.  So your plan is your pathway to all that you really want and that’s kind of exciting isn’t it?

It is essential too that your plan is seen as complimentary to other important aspects of your life (rather than an interference) View it as enhancing your work, and your family life and ability to serve others because that’s exactly what more mobility, energy, increased self esteem and confidence, i.e. the results of healthier living will do for you.

Oh One last thing – did I mention that an eating plan or exercise programme is really phase one because it is somewhat temporary. Your ultimate freedom lies beyond a diet.   So it should be seen as a temporary support to teach you the necessary distinctions you need, to learn the new behaviours and to establish useful habits, and give you the necessary internal gauges to go forward with.  From there you can think about falling into more of “a way of being”…

Realizing that most slim, fit and healthy people aren’t on a diet or at least don’t feel like they are means you too can get there.  Your eating plan/diet or exercise programme is a key part of what will help you get there.  Doesn’t knowing this, in itself make a plan far easier to accept and work with. That’s how simple adjusting your mindset can be and the resulting shifts in your behaviour (when you change your mind) will blow you away –put it to the test.

What are your thoughts on this, what do you want help with – leave a comment below.

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